We have an Occupational Health Program that covers the following subjects:
ISO 45 001: 2018. We have the valid verification of the international standard for occupational health and safety management systems.
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Controls (IPERC): We have the guidelines for a systematic process of continuous identification of hazards, risk assessment and determination of controls related to Occupational Health and Safety.
Plan: We establish emergency-response plans that are effective and help to minimize the impact of accidents once they occur.
Health Risk Assessment: We present guidelines for the assessment of health risks and the determination of the necessary controls.
Safety Meetings: We establish rules to communicate occupational health and safety issues so that employees are trained, and misunderstandings and accidents are reduced.
Safety Committees and Safety Representatives: We have an Occupational Health and Safety Committee that promotes a safe and healthy work environment based on rules established by the company.
Safe Work Analysis: We have a procedure in place to investigate the causes of workplace accidents and establish the necessary controls to ensure that this does not happen again. We share best practices with our teams.
Supplier evaluation: We require our suppliers and contractors to have a strict occupational health and safety management, so we evaluate this criterion when selecting them.