CONENHUA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Buenaventura engaged in providing electricity transmission and generation services. It obtained its first concession for the energy transmission in the Region of Huancavelica in 1983, later obtaining concessions in the Cajamarca and Arequipa Regions. CONENHUA transmission infrastructure allows us to purchase electricity from various energy generation companies and transmit it to some of our mining units and affiliates, as well as to other mining companies and the local populations.
Projects and Engineering
-Electric energy consultancy
-Civil works and electromechanical erection for voltage lines
-Very high, high, and medium voltage substations
-Construction of civil works associated with power systems
-Primary and secondary electrical networks
Operation and Maintenance
-Operation and maintenance of electric transmission systems and hydropower plants
-Implementation of predictive, preventive, and corrective maintenance programs in electrical systems
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